Andy’s Story
During the post-surgery recovery process, everyday tasks we do every day may become a challenge. Even something as simple as dressing yourself in the morning was a challenge Andy faced when he was recovering from his shoulder surgery earlier this...
Peter's Story
Most people say “that sounds like a really good idea” – some people ask if its expensive and I say “its priced like normal clothing but it’s a hell of a lot easier to put on and it looks decent, so there’s nothing to stop you using it.”
Sofie's Story
The Recovawear T-shirt isn’t for old people in particular, but it works! When you can see an old person, and she’s having a shower and she’s like ‘no, no, no, slow down, it hurts!’ and then you pop it on and she says NOTHING – she’s not saying ‘its great!’ but the fact that she’s not saying anything at all, and you’re not listening to someone in pain, it’s a win.